Cloudy Perceptions of TF Relationships

The worse thing that can happen in a tf relationship is not being separated or being left alone, this is a crucial part of the process. However, the worst thing that can happen is your perception being clouded by your false thought patterns. This can lead to personality disorders and insanity.

That is why we are here, doing this job. We are here to guide you and help you through this process. Because it is hard to see this objectively while you are living in it. Keep your consciousness clean and your perception crystal clear. See this man/woman for who he/she truly is. Do not try to pursue your needs and wants to this person. This is the most important part in TF relationship so you are not caught in an illusion or obsession.

Do not make assumptions or contemplate after his/her behaviors, do not roll the conversations or text messages in your mind. Just let it be.

Your twin flame is not the person you dreamed of since childhood on the contrary your twin flame is you. They are mirroring you to you. To see this for what it is and understand the purpose of this relationship is crucial, so you can be freed from the consequences.

Could you find your twin flame within, Could you hold him/her within and continue to live your life. And the most important thing is could you be yourself around him/her? The next article will be about authenticity.


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